developing products to protect hearing and improve listening

Creator of award winning eers custom-fitted earphones

Message: Up again today..

you know, maybe the chickens at the local farm got together today and made some really good eggs. That made the farmer happy because he'd make more money from the good eggs and he decided to sell them and go buy some sonomax.

Also it could be that someone at the FBI was at gun shooting practice today and wasnt wearing any hearing protection, and his ears were hurting, so he decided to go read the paper and saw sonomax was going to be at some tech show. He went to see Nick and secured a contract for one pair of V4, and nick told him to go buy some shares.

maybe the space shuttle guys were bored and decided to turn the hubble telescope towards earth and it pointed directly at sonomax's headquarters. They looked into it and bought some shares

now because the chicken farmer, the FBI guy and the guys from the space shuttle all wanted to get those shares today, the share price went up. Now they couldnt get their order filled so they kept raising the bid price. Eventually everybody bought all the shares they wanted and the market closed. What a happy ending!

my point is that sometimes people wanna buy shares all at the same time for different reasons and that we shouldnt waste time trying to figure out why.

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