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Message: Lets get this up and running again.

Lets get this up and running again.

posted on Jan 14, 2008 12:37PM

I am sure that some check this site from time to time. Let me know if you are still alive. Also I encourage, NEW PEOPLE TO PLEASE SIGN UP.

The verbal bashing of a personal nature of Crichy is really the last straw. I lost it on emonster and told SH they would be next. They didn't like that at all. But really they have to do something to contol that stuff. I had another poster promise to call crichy either today or tomorrow and mention to him about emonsters posts. I asked him to do so as I do not want to phone crichy too often that is why I encourage others to do so.

I will still be on SH, but it is nice to take a break from the "nonsense" and have good honest discussions without spam, bashing, etc, and most of all without "stippy" and his band of merry alias's.

Lets count how many we have!!!!

Don't get discouraged about today fundamenally nothing has changed except the insiders and longs just bought more shares from the traders and misinformed.


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