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Message: Re: Spoke with Critchy this afternoon

Hey impsy, it is not always that bad usually worse at SH LOL. There is some good info there you just got to weed out the scam artists.

Thanks for the call to crichy. I was going to call in the morning I likely won't bother now. I always like when others call it adds credibility to all of my posts and others to confirm for themselves what it believed to be the truth.

I was going to ask about Lyons selling. Not 100% sure that lyons did not sell to cause a little fear in some to get one last crack at some cheep shares. That kind of thing happens quit often on the venture. I noticed who had bought and it was more insiders.

Also I wanted to ask crichy about emonster's post. I new he would be pissed. And why not I was hoping he would of sued. But other than some personal satisfaction what else would he gain as he is about to become a rich man.

Nothing has changed fundamentaly so its onward and upward soon. Perhaps as soon as the morning.


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