Message: The Longer Range Outlook - A Great Perspective

The Longer Range Outlook - A Great Perspective

posted on Sep 30, 2008 05:18PM

One of the best pieces I have read lately... by Ron Rosen...:


For several years I have from time to time suggested to subscribers that one of the best investments they could make is a top notch pair of ear plugs and a set of horse blinders. They would allow you to ignore all of the “Johnny come lately” doomsayers. The S & P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped in January 2000. That was almost nine years ago. They have been in a bear market ever since. The charts posted below show that they are in their final C leg down. This is when the financial disaster talk will become overwhelming. In addition to the doom and gloom you will begin to hear and read about how important gold is to our national and international monetary system. As the stock markets approach the bottom there will be extreme anger and disgust directed toward Wall Street and stock brokers. “I’ll never buy another share of stock as long as I live.” will be a common cry. Based on the technicals that I use plus the 50 plus years of being involved in the markets it is my opinion that the stock averages will bottom in about 18 to 24 months. That will be “garbage collection day.” About that time gold investments and in particular gold shares will be considered an absolute necessity for everyone to own if they want to survive. The demand for quality gold mining shares will be at a peak. For us that will be our signal to begin executing: ‘The Big Switch.” The “Big Switch” is when we begin to sell our gold investments and buy top quality collapsed common stocks. If you were called or thought of as a fool when you bought gold and gold shares, you will be considered outright stupid when you commence the “Big Switch ” So, save yourself some aggravation and grief and don’t talk about it, just do it when the time arrives.

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