Message: Dollar gold disconnect

Certainly low on the really small juniors but the bigger ones are showing larger volume. I don't know if I think there's anything to read into this. After all, strong hands could start selling too. It's scary. I thought we'd see gold stocks go up today but this is a very broad selloff and I think it's going to accellerate.

I would not expect goldcorp or AEM to be down today.I know that FB was not sure how such companies would reacte to a broad selloff. I think this shows that nothing will be immune. Even gold gets sold off as funds try to take anything liquid off the table. This doesn't drive gold negative but it does hinder it's gains... for now. Soon enough the initial sellers of gold will be done and the smarter money will be buying at a higher rate than the sellers.

I would hope this also filters to the producers and eventually the juniors with cash. You know, I'm looking at some companies like WPX which is a potash play. They have 40 million dollars in the bank and their market cap is now 30 million dollars. That's one example of stupid selling.

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