Message: Hubert on Europe,Greece, the USD and Tyhee in today's Tyhee Investor Blog.

Hubert on Europe,Greece, the USD and Tyhee in today's Tyhee Investor Blog.

posted on Mar 05, 2010 02:04PM


Friday, March 5, 2010

Greece is going to be saved...and will fall

It looks like Greece is going to get -through private participants protected by guarantees from individual European States- the cash needed to survive the next 6 months. The Euro and gold should benefit.
However this is going to be a temporary solution, giving the EC a small breathing space.
This is what I see coming:
1-In Greece strikes are going to start popping up all over the country (not from private but civil servants employees). This is going to reduce GDP growth and therefore tax revenues for the Greek government. The 4.8 Billions in savings projected by the government will be lost and the Greek crisis will intensify...

2-The hedge funds will turn quickly to the other European sick countries like UK and Spain in order to achieve their goals: Reducing the Euro vs US dollar. If they can achieve this goal they will succeed in killing the Euro zone and after a small celebration will go after the next big target: The US dollar. This will be easier to achieve due to the forced "reevaluation" of the dollar during the Euro crisis and the enormous profit they will get betting against the Euro. The high value -manipulated high value- of the US dollar makes no-sense. The propaganda is telling you that the US economy is growing -when in fact all numbers are very bad- and that the European economy is in a worst shape....Not true !

As I said here before: 2010 is the year of dramatic changes and this is going to be gold positive.
Tyhee;s board has to make sure the SP increases to the 1 dollar level in order to be able to attract institutional investors. Credit is going to be difficult to get this year -again- and only the top 5-10% of the explorers will get enough cash to survive.

Posted by Hubert at 12:18 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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