Message: Re: Crow! You asked, "JP? Are you listening?..."
Aug 30, 2011 10:12AM

Baires2, I will answer in italics below what I think. This is only my opinion, of course:


You asked, "JP? Are you listening? There is a tune playing in "OpporTUNEity"."

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from what he wrote me, and the things he alluded to on his broadcast, his problems with Tyhee might be summarized as follows. Look this over and tell me if he's "listening"?

1. Webb didn't understand the "Big Picture". So, refusing to sell (at not so high a price) was a Big no no.

I am quite sure Dr. Webb knows the big picture very well. He knows the area, he knows mining, he knows geology. He has over 30 years experience in gold exploration and mine development so I am sure he is no "spring chicken" when it comes to seeing the Big Picture. Jim has his own "Big Picture" and he will be the first to admit, I am sure, he is not perfect. He has to do what he thinks is best for clients. DW, however, has a dream to fulfill, and it's quite a tangible dream. Whatever DW lacks in the missing pieces of putting together that dream, he makes up for in the team he has built himself around.

2. Management didn't fulfill promises.

And a salesman who tells the truth is quickly unemployed. Management will tell you whatever it takes to buy more time and to maintain the interest in a company. To do otherwise is financial suicide. It is up to investors to do their due diligence to sift thru the fluff and determine the level of sincerity and truth to the promises. So far, I see promising drill holes all over Tyhee's properties. I see a complete Pre-Feasibility study. I see the word "Complete" beside 9 of the 21 steps in Table 2 of the Revised Workplan for the Environmental Assessment. I see a Feasibility Study being developed that will be completed before next June.

3. Management didn't have the backgroud to go into production.

Ahem!: "Following completion (of the FS), and assuming positive results, it is Tyhee Gold Corp’s intention to immediately move ahead with financing and construction of the Yellowknife Gold Project. The company’s current management team has significant past experience in all phases of finance and project construction. With multiple past projects collectively completed the management team is confident of a seamless transition to production.

4. Dilution of shares was unsupported by the progress being made.

Repeat after me Jim. "Accretive, not dilutive." Big difference.

5. The SRP was a "poison pill".

Yes it was. Now it's not. Next question please. :-)

6. The deposit had problems with arsenic.

Arsenic is found in arsenopyrite, the same rock in which gold is often embedded. It is all part of how the processing will handle the tailings. No biggie in the Big Picture.

7. Webb's Consultancy company (s?) were not to his liking.

JP, Dave and that other famous geologist from Aurelian days are friends from a way back. I am sure he likes Tyhee...but if he does not watch the progress being make he may not like himself in a year. SRK and company will do just fine.

8. ?

Keep them coming.

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