Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: New Member

Cheers to everyone on this forum. I am not a novice investor but I am a new member to Agoracom but not new to this forum as I follow it every day for the great information that is passed on to whoever wants to paricipate in the discussions.

I wanted to get involved to pass on any information that I may find on various internet searches that may help other excited Zen investors as myself about Graphite and/or Graphene. The more I research the more I get excited that I may finally have picked a winner after so many disapppointments in the stock market investing scenario. Many thanks to Glorieux and others for the information that is available to us on this forum.

Even though I followed Zen for awhile I only recently bit the bullet and sold out my other losing stocks (Not, Fwr etc) for the opportunity to catch the Zen train to never ever land.

The more I research Zen and Graphene the more I know that this is the best chance for covering my loses. My only hope is that the final testing of our resource will be able to be used cost wise efficient to produce the product of the future ``Graphene``. I have enclosed a link that may be of benefit to those other fence sitters like myself that will move forward to investing in Zen.


Safety Officer

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