Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: News Misunderstood?

LTgoldbull -

There is very much truth to the statement that "...MM’s are pissed at no free shares as Zenyatta holds back on financing..." As I understand how the "game is played," a industry reporter does a great write-up on a company and, in return, they get a chance to participate in a PP (with the associated warrants).

The big guys, their buddies, and these sycophants get control of the mine and the small investor gets the shaft.

The way this is going, I wouldn't be surprised if ZEN's 43-101 reports over 100M tons of graphite (at 3%+) and the price goes down because these same writers say that Zenyatta has too much product for the markets to absorb.

Perhaps they should carefully read the interview with Don Hains in order to get some real insight into what ZEN offers. Mr. Hains discusses how much graphite the market can use and where it can come from in very clear language (I even understood it).

He even discusses the characteristics that vendors look for when purchasing graphite for different applications. What I saw was that ZEN "checks off all the boxes" regardless of the application.

- panamax

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