Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: PDAC part 2 from Fin

All involved in this sharing,

Thanks very much for sharing some "hot-off-the-press" info from PDAC. This is the next best thing to being there, ...useful info indeed!

Some interpretation on my part: Post says,

"CP shut down the plant because the cost to produce the synthetic was getting to high and there was not enough margin and they lost a large end user due to bankruptcy. They even stopped outsourcing last year (I think he said)because their cut of the profits was no longer worth it.

Zen has an advantage in reducing the cost for the producer ( what that cost savings is - I don't know as Dr.Chahar was unable to comment due to NDA with CP)
Dr. Chahar has been fielding a lot question in the past 6 months from these end users on where to get their high end graphite supply. All of the end users have used CP in the past and now are in a crunch to find a steady supply."

- CP shut down plant and stop outsourcing: There is no road block to stop CP to re-open the plant, modify it to produce high quality. It's just aother business decision. Another way to solve this supply crunch is to have a JV with ZEN for ZEN to produce the high-end stuff in collaboration with CP. Split the profit 50-50?, if Aubrey is interested in becoming a producer. If not the ZEN could be put on the auction block with CP lurking in the background.

- CP Strategy: Perhaps CP want to share the risk in producing the high-end graphite with some major end-users. Samsung (South Korea) could be one of those majors. I suspect that the good Dr. and our friend with Japanese contact were sent over to ZEN to have some inside track and to establish a link...Quiz: Anyone see a Trojan Horse somewhere in Thunder Bay?


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