Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Investor selling calls are Chiefly wrong.

I will be very honest and say I have not owned this deal since the run to $5.00. Insiders bailed somewhere in the high $4's and my trading rule is if they sell, YOU sell. Apparently it was due to some illness but I never believe such lip service and simply act. Now some will say, hey Cliffs was just sellling why are you buying? I believe their selling was not based on the fundamentals behind this deal, but was based on their own collapsing fundamentals.

I was taking a good hard look at this thing in the low $3's with some real capital when the warning went out that "something was not right", the trading had changed....followed by rumours of Cliff's peddling their entire position. So I waited. Waiting saved me a tonne, or more like afforded me a 50% larger position. Actually, I didnt get my whole fill, but I will wait for pulls, I am patient.

I loaded low $2's because everyone and their dog, every technical trader and their neighbour's mother in-law was waiting for $1.80's.... if everyone sees the same thing, it never gets there. Well maybe it does eventually, but if the end-game is $6+ then why squabble over $.20 cents.

I also believe this is the last "bout" of tom-foolery before this thing is said and done. I'd love double-digits, but I can't see it at this point. What I do see, is multiples of $2.00 dollars. Regardless of charts, the price here and now is a joke.

So good luck to all in it, I hope we all make money. I'm fairly certain we will. But try and remember to take in all sides of the coin, even if it goes against your own book. Even the strongest bull markets have pulls.

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