Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: More Institutional Investors

Now the notion that has floated around for the past year is IMO BS. AE as I recall did not state He wanted retail out. My understanding was he wanted more institutions into ZEN. The point that he wanted retail out has been blown out of proportion. Any venture capital wants more institution in to help SP to go up & to have more anylyst covering your company.

This recent cross has brought in some more strong hands along with institutions. I think institutions have be buying more & more shares from the weak retail for quite some time now & more are looking to get in. I also feel the coming weeks there will be more trying to buy in because the lost out on the warrants & cheap cross that just happened. Now for the ones selling they are going to be able to tell the story to people that yeah I owned shares in that Zenyatta Ventures but MM's scared me out & sold at $2 only if I would have held on for a little while longer.

I think tomorrow we will see the price rise back over $2 with news possibly Tuesday with something that most don't even supect. We will be going places very soon patience is a virtue.



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