Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: what if there will be no bidding war

Hello all

Just a quick note as the exciting and excruciating comment couldnt be more apt.

Let me remind everyone that AE did say at the AGM that they "put the pin in" on the flow sheet so to speak. One has to reread posts from early October; however, this simply says that the company has enough testing under their belt that they have a set of numbers to use when speaking to end users/interested parties/miners.

As for why we havent seen anything yet.. well:

1 Market turbulence

2 Complex negotiations with more than one party. This could be a deal where we see 3, 4, 5 companies pool up to take the property. One to mine it the others to consume the product and share costs/risks. Likely in different time zones and different languages/laws.

3 People are slow. We all want to see it sell. Doesnt mean the corporate world will move quickly to do so. Also if you are a C level executive at one of these firms and are about to commit to a lengthy deal.. how much DD will you do when your job is on the line. A great deal to be sure.

Cheers all.. am glad to see us in the 2.20s.. GLTA


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