Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: end game is in sight

Since AE had always maintained that the Albany deposit will only be sold as end products,not in raw materials.Well Zen had already revealed at least 70% of where this potential end products will go to and the remaining 15-30% market should be revealed shortly upon a successful completion of it,s final test.

Is it possible that the company had prevented all mining companies with NDA to bid on Zen until all possible markets are covered for the end-products?That way,no one can under bid or tries to trump others with the guessing game.But it may also shut out other non NDA holding miners.It looks more and more likely that the long awaited PEA is part of the bargaining game.

AE had seemed to have planned this whole strategic game with laser sharp precision under a timely order and things can move very quickly in the next couple of weeks.

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