Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Zen PEA

For a very long time,I was puzzled at the relentless attacks on the integrity of Zen the company.The PEA had provided a clearer picture in all of this.

It,s very simple:if i were synthetic producers,I will be very worried about what is instored for them if Zen can produce the purest cg on this planet at a cost of around $2000p/t while the present cost to produce synthetic is at $6000-8000p/t.

I used to believe that it did not matter too much for them but at 30,000t a year to begin with,it,s no longer a non-concern issue for the synthetic makers.Even though a few other graphite explorers had declared that they had the technical capability to produce 99.9% purity with their flake graphites,none had included and projected any of this product in their PEA calculations.Is it because it,s simply too expansive for them to produce as well?They had never revealed the cost for the finished product to their share holders.I bet we share holders were not the only ones who were eager to find out what will be the final cost for the finished product.Now that the cat is out of the bag,all real or imagined competitors will have to comtemplate their market future in regads to ---impact and absorption.it will not be easy for them.

Jun 08, 2015 03:13PM
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