Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Elon Musk Shares Energy Vision at 2015 EEI Annual Convention

At about the 34 minute mark they discuss the Giga Factory and what is called "an order of magnitude" change in battery demand coming "perhaps this year, perhaps next".

In the past demand came from cell phones and laptop batteries but that will be dwarfed by the demand from the Utility Grid and electric vehicles.

When asked about the cost of a battery for a car that costs $35,000 and goes at least 200+ miles the answer is "we'd be disapointed if it were more than $100 by the end of the decade".

Anyone care to work out A) how much graphite is in a single car battery and B) what price per ton that has to sell at to help with the $100 battery?



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