Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Its really, really Marbelous!!

Glad to see you quoting actual news releases. Now I guess the trick would be to get you to decipher and present the information correctly. Here's the release for the money's use:

FedNor Investment Boosts Economic Diversification and Supports Youth in the Hearst Region

Northern Ontario Development Program Funding

FedNor's Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP) supports projects that promote sustainable community economic development, enhance business development and growth, and facilitate innovation.

The Corporation of the Township of Opasatika

A $299,970 investment, provided through the Community Investment Initiative for Northern Ontario (CIINO) component of FedNor's NODP, will enable the Corporation of the Township of Opasatika, in partnership with the Township of Val Rita-Harty, to hire an economic development officer (EDO) for a three-year period. The EDO will be tasked with implementing targeted economic development projects identified in the communities' strategic and investment attraction plans. With a dedicated EDO, the communities will have the necessary resources to participate in, and benefit from, activities undertaken by the Northeast Community Network, a regional organization moving forward on forestry, mining, tourism and agriculture initiatives.

The Hearst Economic Development Corporation (Hearst EDC)

With $97,540 of the total funding, the Hearst EDC will develop and incorporate an integrated mining readiness strategy that will guide the communities of Hearst and Constance Lake First Nation and help them maximize on the economic development and job creation opportunities from the arrival of mining projects in the region, particularly those related to the discovery of graphite to the west of both communities. With the remaining $63,000, the Hearst EDC will hire a youth intern for a two-year period to support the Northeast Community Network's (NeCN) mining, agriculture and tourism projects.

Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150) Funding

The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program is part of the Government of Canada's coordinated approach to mark the anniversary of Confederation. The program will leave a lasting legacy in communities across the country by supporting improvements to community infrastructure that provide community and cultural benefits for the public, including projects that ensure a better future for Aboriginal peoples and promote a clean-growth economy.

The Municipality of Mattice-Val Côté

A Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program investment of $76,775, through FedNor, will enable the the Municipality of Mattice-Val Côté to replace the eastern section of the arena and community hall's roof ensuring the long-term integrity of the community's only indoor sports facility and community hall.

$299,970 to hire an economic development officer, $63,000 for an intern, and $76,775 to replace a hockey arena and community hall's roof. Those money uses do not seem particularly applicable to ZEN's potential mining situation, especially fixing the roof. So we're left with the $97,540 that was indicated earlier.

It can't be comforting to shareholders that you constantly find it necessary to exaggerate/misquote material to put ZEN in a better light. If you have something to say that you feel is positive for ZEN, post it, and people will read and decide for themselves if they agree.

I'm not sure why nthe blue colour. I corrected some spelling and it ended up this way. Nothing particular is meant by it. Technical R not us!

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