Emerging Graphene Technology Company

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Message: It's Marbelous

" The market is ALWAYS right."

No it isn't! There are many times it is wrong. How about Bre-X? The market valued those shares at over $200 and didn't realize it was a scam. Nortel was valued over $200 as well and the market didn't catch on the insiders had " cooked " the books to collect extravigant bonuses. Recently there was valeant. There have been many more. Whenever the market panics and tanks do you think the market is right? More often than not, the market is over-valued or under-valued.

I would also caution you that Musky has not been proven wrong yet. Only in your mind. Let's wait until the verdict comes in. The jury is still out on Zenyatta. Let's wait for their verdict.

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