Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Trip down memory lane...that is still close to reality today

That's just wrong. Facts can be checked and refuted if necessary. Tough to negate the effects of a choo choo or a ZEN to 20.

If hoov is offering an opinion, then by all means he could be biased. I'm not saying he is, but I can't disavow the possibility. That's where discussion gets lively, and can be fun if kept civil. Often times points are raised during these discussions that might not have been considered by many people, and they may be very pertinent.

So even though many of you seem to despise hoov, and anybody else who chooses not to be a vocal pumper, you only miss out on the chance to learn something. Or maybe on the opportunity to gloat about being right.

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