Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Prime the Pump

Mine says 24,900 at $1.17, but iy is in the same neighbourhood. We were having a nice showing of strength into the close, then the Clinton/FBI charade hit the news. All the strength in the markets evapourated. Probably with the week-end upon us, it becomes more exagerated. We are into a no news period again and testing the resisitance point with the charts. Smart buyers are picking up cheap shares and in no rush to push the shares higher. Why would you? They'll just keep picking the low hanging fruit.

There is too much fear in the market. Did you notice what happened to McKesson today? It may not take too much more for a real severe sell-off in the market. NOBODY is willing to take risk as the markets stand. That has been the trend for the past year, and it appears to be spreading.

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