Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: graphene material of the future

Well, Fluffy, We have been having these glowing NR's by Zenyatta for four years now and the share price is $1 plus a few cents. The market has been saying that Zenyatta does not have the goods! These are really not "new facts" as you say, just more evidence that the market has not believed.

So we have the "lemming effect" to consider. For sure the share holders of ZEN are not lemmings. There are too few of us.

So far, the share price says that ZEN holders are on the wrong side. I like the evidence from the labs. Nothing from that source supports the lemmings. But wait until the lemmings change direction! Then watch the share price.............

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