Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Graphene

Lakeshore, I don't think I have any control over the stock price. A couple here seem to, perhaps as small cogs in a big wheel, so let them have at it. Besides, I am not really being critical, just saying what I think ZEN's situation is. They took a long time to release their PEA. They've taken a long time to initiate their PFS, which hasn't officially occurred. If they are about to escape these doldrums, then the price will move up. I'm in, in a small way, to try and capitalize on that rise. Depending on what news comes out during this time, I may or may not hang on to some after first (hopefully) making a little money.

If you can offer some facts that gainsay my opinion, I am listening. That would also help the pump. But I don't think there are any.

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