Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Desalination is vital.

Icefish, you have noted that hoov's views will always be perceived as being biased, because he is known to work for another (graphite) company. And how do you know where hoov works? It is because we actually know who hoov is in real life, something that is not true of the vast majority of posters on these boards. An annonymous poster can say something positive about ZEN on here, and people accept it. A known entity posts attributable facts and those facts are at least partially negated because you know where he works? The facts are the facts no matter who posts them. You should appreciate their being posted, not complain about the poster.

And swaying people from a long-term commitment may not happen, but don't newbies read any of these boards? If I went off to another board, I would like to get a complete view of the situation, not just the one presented by those with a vested interest in the stock's situation.

And I don't think hoov stated these boards were responsible for his debilitating situation. He merely stated he was too ill to post here for the last while. In fact, I believe he credited his posting here with aiding his recovery from what he termed a "complete disability".

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