Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Realsville

Looks like G's SI blog has gone off the deep end.  Does anyone really think that the numbers they are throwing out (we are all billionairs) are anywhere close to reality?  Are they (and we) really smarter and know more about ZEN Graphite than the companies, researchers, universities ect testing and looking at ZEN's Graphite?  Are we smarter than the huge mining companies all around the world who are always looking for the next big "Gold" mine?

The companies testing our prouduct like Ballard, Larisplast, Rubber Band Co. and others need product now for products going into production now or soon.  If ZEN mines, we are years away from taking any product out of the ground.

A deep pocket miner or other company (that could hire a mining company) could fast track the mining process and get to product quicker.  If you think that ZEN's Graphite is unigue and the best in the world (and I do) the best senario is that a mining or other company takes us out soon and starts the process to get Graphite out of the ground as quickly as they can.

Anything North of $5 US I believe AE, the Board and many others would take and run to the bank.  All of course in my opinion.


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