Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Met report

In response to the Mara/Peter Marshall incident, Glorieux posted the following:  "I discussed the matter twice with the company.  I was told that 3-6 months is not even logical. The work done by JJ is done and all that remains is to write the report.  This is not a 3-6 months process.  Now, the company is reluctant to issue any timeline as this report is being prepared by a 3rd party which takes the timing out of their hands.  However, 3-6 weeks, in broad strokes is what I expect here.  I should of stepped in more earlier but I really see this as a tempest in a tea pot."


It's been 16 weeks, now. Where's the report?


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