Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: marketing the product

the SI board mentions the importance of marketing the product. well, the product would be much easier to market with a finished met report in hand.


where the heck is the met report jordan?

the least IR could do is give us a new estimate and explain (with apologies) why the report has taken so long. why the total dumbfounding silence?

wait, let me guess. at the next AGM you'll say you need to bring an ironman suit, right? yeah, sure is nice to have a president of a company with such a great sense of humor. it really helps.

GIVE US THE MET REPORT! do you understand that the longer there is no communication, the angrier most of us get??

and no, i haven't sold a single share. but i'm getting really, really tired of the silence. it's almost like our fearless leader doesn't think it's worth his time to let his shareholders know what's going on.


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