Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: BOD
Mar 28, 2018 11:10PM

"I’ve been less than impressed with Management’s ability to deliver on plans-very the past couple of years.   They consistently don’t meet timelines and under deliver.  When that happens they don’t explain why.  What we do see as shareholders is an erratic chasing of opportunities and then we are off in a new direction.  You can only guess if there is a strategy guiding these moves."

You had hit the nail right on its head.While most graphite companies had rounded up JVs ,end users and future business partners,AE had skipped from one prospect to the next with no follow ups.We have no idea if these ventures had fallen through or that AE had deterred progress with his arrogant and incompetent ways.

Will we ever be able to find out why Ken Stowe left?

Did any comapny ever offered to buy in a percentage of the company for millions of dollars but got rejected out right?I hope the dissident group can provide an answer and de-fog this veil of secretcy once and for all.

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