Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Concerned Shareholders News Release

Well, one week until the meeting and things are certainly heating up. It is apparent to all, I think, that yellow is the colour of choice for the stockboard posters. It may be that some of the people who would vote green have decided not to announce their intentions, perhaps to avoid the arguments that voting green might encourage, but yellow would still be the majority.

Despite the yellow tint to online voting, I wonder if there are enough shares here to predict an outcome. I suspect the majority of shares, perhaps a large one, are in the hands of people who do not frequent stockboards. For those people, they have been presented from out of the blue with a vote to oust the majority of the BOD. They will not have been witness to the onslaught of negativity towards AE that has recently been prevalent on these boards, especially SI. And, they will have no clue as to who the dissidents are, or where they came from. I could see the majority of those people feeling it's better to stick with the status quo, even if things have not been going well of late, than to change everything and hope the unknowns are up to snuff. 

So I'm thinking green will carry the day, partly from the above reasoning, and also because AE and supporters are starting with a very large block of shares. They probably don't need too large a group of the remaining shareholders to vote green to win.

There is one final hitch to the dissidents' efforts. While Glorieux comes across as a fine fellow, I'm afraid he's already demonstrated his lack of good judgement. He is, after all, a Montreal Canadiens fan!

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