Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Zenyatta's Albany Graphite Tailings Show Promise as Cement Replacement

That's a good assessment, Been There. I think Fluffy just had a brain fart. His eyes saw tailings, but his brain saw overburden. It happens.

Something I'm curious about. The insiders have done a lot of buying, which is usually a positive sign. But having just introduced a flow through placement, right on the heels of a rather dismal pp, wouldn't all this buying have been more beneficial to ZEN if they had taken up the shares from the offerings, rather than the open market? Every penny spent on market shares is a penny that could have gone to ZEN.

Having said that, I am seriously considering buying some ZEN, the thinking being that all this insider money must presage a concerted effort to move the share price up. I'd like to get some in the .30s, if possible. Could somebody please sell a bunch at market? lol

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