Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: ZEN Graphene Solutions Concludes 2019 Albany Winter Drilling Program

"still would have been nice to gave gotten the entire sample out."

I appreciate the sentiment, but it's definately not a setback. First: Hope everone realizes how large a sample 3 tons of graphite is. Second: If converted to graphene, even at $50/gram this sample is worth $136,000,000.00! and we all know that highest quality graphene is worth substantially more. 

It will be interesting to see just how much recovery we get with our current processing technology.

I'm actually pleased we ended the bulk sample early.  I worried that if we completed the progam - shot our load - we'd have a tendancy to get sloppy and blow the whole deal.

I'm in for the long haul.  Wonder who will be the first to come knocking on our door.

Cheers, J

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