Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Bound to happen

I don't understand these ad personam attacks to silence critical voices as they come up. Is this board meant to be an echo chamber of ZEN bulls or rather a forum to exchange info and opinions in order to be a better informed investor? Fact is that ZEN is more than 20% lower than a week or so ago when someone suggested it was time to go "all-in" on ZEN. Any new joiner who followed such suggestion is at a loss currently. I have been long ZEN for about 8 years and I appreciate any critical voice (of substance) as this helps me to keep a more realistic picture - I hope..

Maybe this new user has a hidden agenda. Still trying to take his point about IP / patent ownership at face value. If he is wrong or made a moot point, he/it should be countered factually.

Just my opinion. GLTA


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