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Message: Re: Monday afternoon smile....oh
May 06, 2013 12:22PM
May 06, 2013 12:27PM
May 07, 2013 03:39PM

and cash is king always!!!!!..............i did not mention that each one of my favorites has cash and a viable play......they will not be going to the banksters......inorder to get money for the next couple of years.....giving one an opportunity to do at least a double in this resource downturn......and not expect additional dilution

when it comes to cash is king groups......i like metals streaming companies such as sandstrom gold(ssl)......i did not buy the shares but their b warrant....but even the share looks juicy at 7.50....hey what do i know......i just p...ss in the wind....and hope that i made the right choices......anyways its your turn

May 08, 2013 08:49AM
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