Message: Re: Patent Infringement Cases: Selecting The Right Venue Can Be Critical

Apr 26, 2008 11:47AM

Apr 26, 2008 01:07PM

Apr 26, 2008 02:48PM
Apr 26, 2008 03:01PM

Nice find......You are definitely on top of this.....I really appreciate it and read all your findings....

Question however, since I am not a legal beagle and do not understand the verbage: in the paragraph that asks

"Is the likelihood of a summary judgement a contributing factor in forum selection".

and the answer states: Most summary judgement verdicts are in favor of the defendent.....etc....etc.... Then later on the answer states "patentee plaintiffs have well over a 50 percent chance of winning a summary judgement motion.

I am confused as to the term "patentee plaintiffs". Is a patentee plaintiff the defendent or the plaintiff? The verbage seems to indicate most summary judgements go to the defendent but also states the "patentee PLAINTIFFS" win well over 50 percent of the time.


Apr 27, 2008 06:27AM
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