Message: pusher has a question?

You said:...

"You lawyers have in effect been the cause for why this continues to happen over and over again."!?!?...

Assuming what you say is true!?; why in God's name would the same "Lawyers" want to follow your suggestion that follows!?...

"Thats why there is a need to really make an example so that patent infringment stops. Let it be known that if proven the company will have all assets made from that theft go to the injured party period."?!...

IT IS NOT LOGICAL to expect DM, who stands to make millions for their services to EDIG, would be leading a campaign to change the law that created Intellectual property rights to achieve what you suggest, and in effect shut off an important source of their business...

As to your stealing and one of the infringers being accused of having used EDIG tech., suffice it to say there is a difference. It has to do with the nature of the "Crime".

As you say, "if I intentionaly stole something i can expect to go to prison and spend time there for my crime. Not so in this case."

Stealing was a crime in common law and got codified in US statutes.

Infringing on "Intellectual property rights", which were created by an ACT of Congress, was not made a "Crime" by Congress. And the case law governing that conduct was created in the Tort arena and not as a crime...

I hope this helps...



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