Message: Re: none on the big board exchanges will beat EDIG's percentage gains! / 98

I would "guess" somewhere between Dow 8000-8500 by the end of the year.


That's down there and I have seen others with predictions of 7500 and oil under $40/ brl.

I really try not to go there as I probably won't sell anything. My portfolio dropped like everyone else's and it is very diversified. IMO, time is on my side. I'll dollar cost average my dividend stocks and wait this one out.

EDIG is part of my spec stocks -- only other spec stock now is that "P" company, but I am looking to be more exposed in the spec stock world in something besides a patent / tech stock. My guess, and worth very little, is that a company like EDIG will stand up fairly well in a very down market. It may go down, but not to the same degree other stocks in the same category will drop. Therefore, I belive EDIG dollars are as "safe" (if there is such a stock) as any.


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