Message: Re: Wouldn't mind waking up to this re: EDIG

The amount of settlements has to be tied to the sales revenue for those products sold with unpaid for technology.

Accountability is what this is about and the current state of the stock market should have no bearing on the size of the settlement.

If the target market is over $20 billion then EDIG gets its share of that pie...which should be adjusted for inflation...then go back 10 years and add each and every year of sales....and there you have an actual revenue number to discuss.

What percentage is EDIG's remains to be seen but settlements are not calculated and adjusted based on how one's portfolio performed this year.

Whether it's a dollar of $50 million remains to be seen....but it is cash flow in EDIG's direction...which is a good thing....

Good things X 180 !!!!!!

Oct 13, 2008 08:05AM
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