Message: A judges opinion--

The judges opinion does not take into account the pain and suffering that was caused by the theft of all those tht used Edigs property. Think back if you can. What would have been the value of EDIG if she was able to capitalize on their inventions and pattens. What about the lost potential of profits? Apple for example made billions using in some parts EDIgs property. To now settle for pennies by an estimate by some judge is the wrong way about it. Ejudicate the case and leave the penalties to others. Those pennies won't pay for the 15 plus years I waited for justice. Their decisions should be based on their guil or innocence not now that your caught this is how little it will cost you. All that will do is continue the theft of ideas and the millions that others will need to pay out as they go after those giants whose this decision will benifit.

EDIG is worth 10 if not 20 billion dollars base on 1995 dollars going forward. To except 100 million dollars will amount to less than 35 cents a share. What about my cost of 24 dollars a share, how is that justice. Cook and fry them, not kiss their a-s-s for peanuts.

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