Message: Pacer: e.Digital Corporation v. Micron ~ Notice of Settlement

"Is the EDIG's Micro OS part of a the emedded drivers that are sent with a commercial flash card?"


The principles reside, in plagiarized form, where ever flash has a need to be managed in simple fashion.

Norris and friends invented the methods for interfacing flash type memory by getting around the inherent problem of a non-overwrite memory.

The problem of secondary management due to the problem non-overwrite memory... is the best the industry could come up with. For that reason, the industry, as a whole, by following the lead of the major contributors have settled on.

If the industry can get rid of secondary management ...guess what it's going to do?

It's going to stampede over e.Digital....where as a whole, say it was an obvious conclusion and e.Digital deserves nothing.

"If NORRIS DOS is inside every flash device then there are a grillion devices out there used by 100's of enterprises."

It's not just about DOS... that's an example ....where my main concern is not totally about this referenced condition....this is yet a bonus....of GREAT VALUE.


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