Message: Pacer: e.Digital Corporation v. Micron ~ Notice of Settlement

Suit 1 filed 9-7-2007

First 2 years fruitful, if not for the the last 5 years of civil "due process" ....we'd all be sitting high and dry.

"due process" lol

"due process" is not acquainted with unforgiving time constraints....and that's not just for patent issues.

The last 5 years of e.Digitals "due process" is a direct cause of ambiguous statute law / precedent case law.... to a degree of total SATURATION. Its as bad, if not worse than the country's deficit of over saturartion.

There was no need of this for such a simple OBVIOUS technical process.

The defendants now want to lean on OBVIOUS...yet it takes 7 years to explain an OBVIOUS condition.

TOTALLY sickening is, what it is...

It's the system we live and died for, ...some advantage it, others do not.


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