Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: New Hay Mountain slide show


Well, uh, gee, I dunno, and I really don't want to speculate. There are so many variables.

Personally, I'm not planning to sell any more of this company than I have to, looking for growth here far, far into the future.

Let me fall back on something I've mentioned here earlier, focusing ONLY on Hay Mountain. If LBSR can keep one percent of what proves to be a 100 billion dollar project, that should be worth one dollar per share with 100 billion shares out.

Having said that, I have to modify that expectation by adding that I think we will see additional shares added to the ourstanding balance, but I now also expect LBSR to retain much more than one percent of the Hay Mountain project.

Consider that the company could be well on the path to developing three or more other projects a few years from now, and that POG could exceed 2,000 per ounce, then you can understand just how difficult it is to approach answering a question such as yours. I hope you understand, and can appreciate my reluctance of make a projection for you.

Also, and given that anything is possible, the Western US could be under 3 feet of volcanic ash by then. If so, then everyone's best expectations will be ruined. This is, after all, a very risky business, right?



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