Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: New Mega Copper Mine for Arizona?

Not formally announced, and essentially hearsay at this point, but I understand from reliable sources that the partner, BHP of Australia, is pretty open (in their part of the world - not here) with their sense that they are stitting on the largest copper discovery ever.

The largest and richest parts are very, very deep, so this will be a very costly mine to develope and to operate.

At Hay Mountain, ore seems to be at and comparatively near surface, and ores may be recovered without the more costly process of going underground. Given the "footprint" at Hay Mountain, LBSR may have something at least somewhat equivalent to what Resolution has at Superior, but it should be cheaper to develop and operate, even IF ores will not be shown to be as rich or quite as extensive.

On the other hand, we don't know yet what grades the Hay Mountain drills will show.

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