Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: New Mega Copper Mine for Arizona?

Yeah, there is no land exchange involved, at least not now. But you can never know what political scenarios might erupt on the path to production.

So, don't be mislead by this newest part in the Resolution story. Even if the President approves the land exchange, the mine will still have other approvals to meet before development and mining can begin. Water is among the issues to be addressed as the mine will require almost incalcuable amounts.

Now that I think about it, could it be a little more than coincidental that improvements were required at nearby Roosevelt Dam back in the 90's? Certainly all the highway and rail improvements around there are directly related to ore discovery below the old Magma Mine at Superior.

As an aside, famous Army scout and friend of Geronimo, Al Sieber, died in an accident while helping to build the original dam. This after survivning around a dozen bullet and arrow wounds from the Civil War through the Indian Wars.

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