Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Taking bets for TMBXF vs. LBSR

Tombstone Exploration has been at the mercy of theiir so-called partner for over a year now, and even had to file suite against them. So, what kind of news would you be expecting, disolution of the partnership? gain there.

For any of this to work out well, Tombstone's partner needs to collect on a a suite in Europe, but that other party has been refusing to pay, at least so far. Are they about to pay? If so that is not being reflected in the share price, so I doubt it.

Otherwise, I can't see anything coming soon that will benefit TMBXF, though they may have news coming soon of some sort.

Like LBSR, it's a waiting game.


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