Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: NPSP Update
This was shared on the other board by Living in. Greenbay: "I e-mailed AGORACOM and asked why its taking so long to complete the NP deal, their reply... Quote: The following response was provided by management; We would have liked to see the agreement completed as well. Materially there has been no change since our announcement and we understand that Genesis is also involved in a number of negotiations that, when concluded, will allow the completion of our agreement. So I guess we wait." Also, seems like the retail selling is tailing off a little. Of course we will always have some from our financiers, but it will be nice to have less pressure on our price from retail folks that were freaking out. We will see... Let's go LBSR!
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