Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

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Message: POG to $2,000.00 "quickly"?

"Time certainly appears to be running out for Greece. Either Syriza capitulates and returns to the Troika’s bail-out mechanism – highlighting a complete loss of sovereignty, or Greece defaults and exits the Eurozone.

‘Grexit’ should propel gold higher with respected analysts saying gold could quickly rise to $2,000 per ounce should a ‘Grexit’ occur."

From what I read, it makes no sense for Greece to enter yet another bailout with the Euozone when they can just walk away. Starting over debt free may be far less burdensome than refinancing on increasingly more oppressive terms.

BTW, base metals prices are up strongly in the last few days, with precious metals being up too. Prelude to panic in fiat money?

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