Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Thank you for the Welcoming messages....

I did not have much time yesterday to introduce myself to the Agoracom LBSR forum. My name is Greg Williams and I don't hide behind an alias as many do on the old board that I moved over from. Many of you here know me and some I have actually met in person.

I have been an investor in LBSR since April/May of 2004. So soon I will have been invested here for 11 years. I originally became involved with Liberty Star when I had read about the Big Chunk Property.

I've been through many stages with LBSR and most of you know why we are in the position we are in. Those who have been following along through the years. Times change, geopolitical situations change, prices of metals change, investment capital changes.

I look forward to constructive conversations here going forward. I am anxious to see what developments come from the Manila trip.

I have a feeling that the Hay Mountain property will be developed longer-term as a consortium.

Everyone have a nice weekend.


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