Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: A word from Jim Briscoe RE: Watch interview w/ Ross Beaty & Rick Rule

From Jim Briscoe:

“Liberty Star Shareholders – please make time to view these two interviews with geologist and exploration/mining industry expert Ross Beaty and Rick Rule. I’ve known Ross for about two decades and have had the good fortune to work with him on two evaluations over the years. Ross is a geologist and an astute entrepreneur who has made a lot of profit in exploration projects and mining projects in gold, silver & copper. In this interview he zeros in on the ups and downs of our industry. He understands that right now we are going through a very painful bear market with pain exerted on both companies and shareholders. He believes that we are in the bottom of the metals super-cycle and are on our way to the characteristic upswing of that cycle. He is bullish on the future of copper, gold, and silver and is intrigued with uranium.

One of the points that he makes is that size matters: the making of a mine is a giant ordeal whether the project is small or large, so go large. I might add that Hay Mountain meets these criteria, and contains all the metals on his list. Ross understands the super cycle well and notes that metal prices will be back.

I want to thank the Liberty Star shareholder that brought this video to my attention—certainly worth the 30 minutes the video runs and listen to the interview with Rick Rule, as well whom I also know – an expert in mining investment valuation and prediction.”


Tracy Myers Investor Relations


[email protected]

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