Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Gold - things to ponder

Charts continue to show stocks in general on one of histories most dramatic recoveries, but it's showing signs of running out of steam despite biased reporting to the contrary. The trend has gone flat. Note too that as this recovery began some seven years ago, volumes have been falling off. Now go back an take a look at the all the support behind the theory of 7-year cycles. To me this all suggests a big turn is coming.

Put this on top of eroding currency values, and the monetary metals start looking pretty good, along with other metals.

As to investment philosophy, and as one well experienced in this subsector, I buy stories, and I don't sell until the the story plays out, or I lose faith in it. In other words, I don't let the market tell me what do in regards to parting with shares, it's how the story unfolds, and this one still has a long way to go, IMO.

Delisting? LMAO - Nord in SE Arizona is bankrupt and in receivership and it's stock is still trading. In that case, lenders want something back on what they put in, forcing the bankruptcy, and stock is still trading. LBSR is debt free.

...just checked. Another record low for LBSR. Oh, well.

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