Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: On mining finance...

That sounded better hoping somebody anybody dear to enter for a hm project deal.
how about north pipe super project the Uranium lbsr project according to somebody
here that deal is almost done with genesis group like next month.
Lbsr should receive about $25 millions and some royalties too out of that deal.
Do you know anything about it or have heard something or news.
Tell me about the new NORD just neighbor of lbsr was bought by Psons ltd. Its almost
same share price than lbsr and they has the only processing plant in the state of AZ.
I kind of like tha company it might has some future soon. And those chinese have a lot
of money to spend on that company plus they own few other mines in few other countries.
Im sure many other investors here disaprove what you said about our long waited lbsr

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