Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: I hate message board Vermin - Dennis Miller - type rant probably deleted by now

Yes it does have some controvertable points to it on many points. That said whe following these lines thru the phases and that was the biggest aspect of my reference thereto. The Phases should be well regarded overall. I also mentioned thaat I do not trust JB, but rather the information and the process in/on how he arrives at conclussions. His projects have shown incredible relavence to every project he has entered. So in that JB is not perfect he sure has located some very PROFUND claimsets all of his days as a Geologist. So as a Geologist i put full trust into that CEO/Geologist/well advised/well educated Mr. James Briscoe. Ahh but of course nobody needs believe a word i say as it could be al such fluff and full of vagrencies of facts. Let me point out that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. As straight as the line can be on the chart is good enough for me,i expect to have many twists and turns in JrVille. But When Geologist JB suggest to me tells me that Phase 1 is in play then that part of the straight line is fully in play, as straight as it gets, now i am looking for Phase2 and then i will watch for Phase3 then, straight from the horses mouth to each next Phase thru to all the phases of a startup to producing. I'll drop another blue clue in a few days. IMO verification is critical now more that timing. I hate waiting and even the weekend is a pain. Overall i agree with you're point, it is note worthy to point out the phasing asspect of the process and if and i know you have you will see that phases are very noteworthy events, moreso that is the point of such. Years ago i tracked an oil company which had all it needed save that in the drilling phase they hit some of the hardest salt dome material. I lost a lot of money on the project and so did the company, The resoviour was very well protected by the casing of the salt dome and deflecte future drilling attempts, that phase was a flameout Phase,point is anything can happen and does.

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